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Automatically Downloads Drivers from Manufacturer’s Sites
You no longer have to spend hours scouring the web for the correct drivers for your system (and not even being sure you’ve got the right ones)

Over 16,000,000 Million Drivers in our Database
You are guaranteed to find all of the drivers for your system.

Self Updating Software
Never worry whether you have the most up to date version of DriverDoc. DriverDoc now automatically keeps itself current with the latest version. No more time-consuming updates.

New Improved Interface
The new user interface was designed to be simple, smart and user-friendly.

Driver Restore
Restore your device drivers from backup in one click. The program has a built in wizard that allows you to copy (backup) your downloaded drivers to a CD, network drive, or USB flash drive.

Windows Upgrade Wizard
The wizard is designed to help you upgrade to newer versions of Windows seamlessly (going from any version to XP, Vista or Windows 7, not just Vista)

Save Time
Don’t spend hours scouring the internet for drivers. Get it done in minutes and get on with your life.

Eliminate the risk of creating new system problems
Many times, the drivers you think are the correct version are wrong, which can make the problem worse than using the old drivers.

DriverDoc can clearly help you keep your computer running smoothly and hassle free. With DriverDoc on your side, you don’t have to wait any longer to experience the benefits yourself.

Click here to scan your for outdated drivers*. Download Now »